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Assets Enrichment Program


ASSETs at Ventura High School will provide a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for students to pursue enrichment, physical fitness, nutrition awareness and academic credit recovery while practicing life skills. The ASSETs program is designed for students, by students, and will enrich the overall Ventura High School culture and experience.

ASSETs is a student-centered after school program that provides:

  • Tutoring in all subjects provided by AVID tutors

  • Social emotional support and skill development

  • Friendship and socialization opportunities 

  • Enrichment activities (art, sports, cooking, culture, field trips)

  • Career exploration opportunities

  • Credit recovery through the APEX online classes

  • A safe and healthy place for students to spend time at after school

Click here for the application

Monday-Friday 2:30PM-5:30PM in the Cougar Student Union