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Parent Involvement

Students experience positive academic and behavioral outcomes when their parents are involved in their children’s education. Ventura High School encourages all parents to volunteer and develop relationships with support staff and teachers. English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) The English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) is a state-mandated committee that supports the efforts of the school, district, and state in improving the quality of students whose primary language is other than English. The committee, which consists of parents and teachers, has four state-mandated duties: a. Monitor the programs and services provided for English Learners at the school and provide input to the School Site Council. b. Provide input into the development and implementation of the school’s needs assessment. c. Administer, review, and provide input on the school’s annual language census d. Create awareness of the importance of regular school attendance. In addition, the committee is focused on finding ways that the school can support English learner parents at home to assure academic success for their children. ELAC meets 4 to 5 times per year. School Site Council (SSC) School Site Council (SSC) is a state-mandated committee of parents, teachers, and the principal whose primary purpose is to plan, monitor, and evaluate the activities and expenditures for Consolidated Application programs at the school to improve student achievement: (1) Review student achievement data, (2) develop a comprehensive school plan, (3) conduct ongoing review of program effectiveness, (4) annually revise plan based on progress, and (5) recommend a plan to the school board. Nominations and elections take place each fall. Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)  is an organization consisting of parents, teachers, families and site administration. The PTSA significantly contributes to a strong learning community. All parents are invited to join the PTSA and participate in meetings. 

Please call Ventura High School at 805-641-5116 about volunteering opportunities.